No Charge poker tournaments are every day events that happen on most of the greatest web poker rooms. Freerolls are much favored by the poker wagering community as they offer the poker enthusiasts the hopes to gain some real $$$$$ without losing any. The buyin to these freerolls is – as their titles indicates – free of charge and prize $$$$ can range from a handful of dollars for placing to a few hundred dollars for capturing the huge freeroll Texas Holdem poker tournaments.

So how come the poker websites have free tournaments? Is it because of their incredibly benevolent nature and the fact that they make huge amounts of money so they feel a moral accountability to bestow a bit of it back?

What do you think!

No of course it is not, the basis that the huge poker rooms offer freerolls is to draw folks to their web site.

Here’s the theory in a nutshell – You hear that a site has a great freeroll, it costs you nada to enroll in and you will be able to acquire one hundred dollars. You think "awesome!" and you head over to the poker room and sign up as a member so you can play the freeroll. You compete in and finish early and are ticked off due to the fact that you perceive you should have done better, or you get close to winning and so you’re wanting even more play. So what happens? You bet some money at the poker site and bet on a different poker game!

Make sure to check out the freerolls for payout constraints, you will almost always need to participate in a few hands for actual cash before they permit you take the $$$$$ out. Generally this is on a 1 to 1 basis, so if you win twenty dollars at the no charge poker tournament you’ll need to have played for $20 in real cash in order for you to be able to take out the cash.