[ English ]

Most people have no starting preflop texas holdem system; they would sit at a poker desk attempting to play rapidly as possible with out being aware of their surroundings and whom they are betting with. This is a common mistake most poker players make. Prior to jumping into the action and start gambling like maniac with your pockets, consider the following preflop technique.

Number of Players: Is your desk a full or short handed (Six players or less) game? Having a full table of 9 or 10 gamblers, it’s likely someone’s holding a powerful hand or overcards (AA, KK, Ace-King, AQ, etc) that may easily beat your hand. Also, the odds of somebody else’s hole cards fitting the flop will probably be a lot better. You ought to take this into consideration, and bet on your hand as cautious as possible. But ahead of getting into the action consider the subsequent essential point…

Kind of Competitors: As explained in Lesson Two of identifying your opponents, the most crucial details you are able to obtain is how your competitors bet on and adjust to their style of play. Usually, I would sit at a desk and not play for the first five minutes; I let the button and blinds pass me once ahead of I commence jumping in, unless I pick up a good hand like Ace-Ace, King-King, AQ, etc. After IDing who are poor and strong opponents, I then start off picking up pots off the weak players. Except prior to I start hammering with wagers and take those pots, I like to look at the next critical point…

Your placement: Placement is really critical, as I will elaborate in lesson four. Gamblers in late placement or last to act (preferably on the dealer button) have a good advantage than those acting before. Gamblers acting last can watch the action happening prior to them and also have the capability to effect the size of the pot. At times, your placement may perhaps be far more valuable than the cards you hold.

Stack Size: A gambler having a big stack dominates his opponents and can frighten or push opponents out of the pot and fold, giving them the anxiety of being wiped out. On the other hand, watch out for players with short stacks. If they’re still in a pot, they are usually all in at several point or another.